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EDIT:I have an urgent request for anyone reading this who might possibly be able to shed some light on a rather awesome occurrence that's happening to one of my songs. Ticking Away has just about reached over 200,000 downloads. In fact by the time most of you read this, it will have surpassed it most certainly. I have no earthly idea where the downloads are coming from. They aren't from people visiting it on newgrounds, it's apparently coming from an outside link that i've been completely failing at trying to find. If you know of anything that could be causing it, or happen to run across this song somewhere on the net...please PM me. It's literally getting around 40-50 downloads every 5 to 10 minutes and it's a bit disturbing. Thanks guys/gals
Welcome Back Everyone.
For the past few months I've been talking vaguely about my ambitions to create an actual album to be sold on places like iTunes, MySpace, etc. What I've learned is that it takes a great deal of inspiration to give me motivation so I can begin coming up with ideas and actually make some considerable progress. Thankfully, I can truly say that time has now come.
The EP (which has yet to be named) will consist of 7 tracks. I will be using two songs that have already been submitted here on newgrounds, however they will be undergoing a slight facelift. "Final Thoughts" will hold it's place within the tracklist, simply because I spent a great deal of time on it, and it serves as a tribute to everyone here who has supported me for over a year now. My brand new song "Dear World" will also be getting featured on the album as well. This song will be getting a slight extension from the one available here for download, and there will also be an electronic/orchestrated version of it that follows my style of simple, ambient, uplifting songs I tend to be drawn to.
In addition to those three that I've mentioned, I will also be working on a few electronic pieces that are more in the style of "Tracing Back", "Ticking Away", and "Morning Light". I'd like to try to make sure there are an even number of uplifting tracks, and minor electronic pieces. Knowing my habits, though, I'll probably end up whipping out the piano on more then a few occasions ;) I'm shooting for a completion date by then beginning of June, followed by the release around the beginning of fall.
So what do I need from everyone? Well, for starters, a name for this project would be nice. As my track titles suggest, I'm absolutely horrible with names. If anyone has any supporting ideas, feel free to comment below. Another item I could use some help with is possible artwork for the cover. I do have a couple friends that I'll be asking first for their help, but if anyone who reads this has some ideas based on some of the music I already have here, I'd love to hear from you.
Finally, the last thing I'd like to do is thank all of you who have been listening over the past year. I started out as just a simple guy seeing if anyone would notice my music. I'd never guess at having almost a 1,000 fans combined from here and Myspace who have had nothing but positive, inspiring things to say. Enjoy life and keep listening
Here's a really bad pic of my amateur "studio" Beat that Bjra! :P